About Us

Top Support Community in Leeds

At You're Not Alone, we understand that there are a lot of people who need social aid, and we are ready to provide our services to the people of the Leeds area who may find themselves in a tight spot or in need of support. Our core principle is to ensure, to the best of our ability, that no one winds up overlooked or unhelped. We provide different services to those who are in need – for details, get in touch with us through our booking form.

We are here for you

We are here for you and we can help you every step of the way. We offer support for narcissistic abuse support by people who have lived it, but also to any abuse by personality disorders. Our main goal is to spread awareness of the epidemic the UK and to offer alternative therapy and guidance to survivors, victims who don’t even know they are being abused.

Support Team

We offer many ways to get in touch with us, either through our website or over the phone. If you have an urgent query we recommend calling during business hours, as you'll get fast and reliable help more quickly, and a friendly voice on the other side of the line. You can also contact us through our website if you have an inquiry that doesn't need an immediate response. We guarantee professional consultation from a cordial team that will go above and beyond to provide assistance.


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